Read the Bible - Plan from Fr. Ian Hollick

Start with the New Testament

To learn the teachings of Paul and the Apostles - Bible, one chapter a day & Read One Psalm (1) a Day to accompany.


  1. Matthew
  2. Romans
  3. 1 Corinthians
  4. 2 Corinthians
  5. Galatians
  6. Ephesians
  7. Philippians
  8. Colossians
  9. Mark
  10. 1 Thessalonians
  11. 2 Thessalonians
  12. 1 Timothy
  13. 2 Timothy
  14. Titus
  15. Philemon
  16. Gospel of John
  17. Song of Songs
  18. James
  19. 1 Peter
  20. 2 Peter
  21. 1 John
  22. 2 John
  23. 3 John
  24. Jude
  25. Hebrews
  1. Isaiah (Often Called the 5th Gospel for all of its foreknowledge of the Christ)
  2. Psalms
Now we dig into the Old Testament and learn the Story of Salvation as laid out by the Great Adventure Bible by Ascension Press and Continue to read one psalm a day.


When Finished read one chapter of Proverbs a day (1), then Sirach (aka Ecclesiasticus) (2), then Wisdom of Solomon (3). The Old Testament is much longer than the New!

  1. Genesis - Early World, Creation, Patriarchs, Adam/Eve - Joseph in Egypt, reads as a narrative with many different characters
  2. Job (A mysterious figure who has to deal with the weight of undeserved suffering.  A type of wisdom book, but the timeframe is patriarchal perhaps)
  3. Exodus - Egypt and Exodus, reads as a story
  4. Numbers - Walking around the Desert story with facts
  5. Joshua - Conquest of the Holy Land - a History book
  6. Judges - God uses the unlikely - a series of character pieces.
  7. Ruth - A good society, a Moab becomes Grandma of David, reads as a story
  8. 1 Samuel
  9. 2 Samuel (Royal Kingdom with prophetic activity, reads as a story)
  10. 1 Kings
  11. 2 Kings (Royal Kingdom and then the Kingdom split between North and South)
  12. Ecclesiastes - a fun yet depressed prophet, can seem nihilistic, but he’s a Jew (Solomon) in search of a Messiah.
  13. Tobit
  14. Jeremiah (Longer one)
  15. Jonah
  16. Judith
  17. Hosea
  18. Amos
  19. Ezra (Coming back from Exile)
  20. Esther
  21. Nehemiah (Returned and rebuilding the 2nd temple)
  22. 1 Maccabees
  23. 2 Maccabees
  24. Joel
  25. And finally Malachi (The last prophet, 450 years before Christ)
  26. Proverbs
  27. Sirach
  28. Wisdom


Then you can move back into the New Testament and read:


  1. Luke
  2. Acts
  3. Revelation

= 58 books


58 books are listed above.  There are 73 in the Catholic Bible.

There are 73 in the Catholic Bible.  The ones remaining are as follows [Note: I left off a lot of the Prophets because you have to have context in which to read them, which you kind of would after reading the above.]:


  1. Deuteronomy (Our Lord quotes frequently)
  2. Lamentations (A short sad prophetic book)
  3. Baruch
  4. Ezekiel (exile)
  5. Daniel (Has some real neat stories)
  6. Obadiah
  7. Micah
  8. Nahum
  9. Habakkuk
  10. Zephaniah
  11. Haggai
  12. Zechariah


Sounds like a repeat of 1 & 2 Kings

  1. 1 Chronicles
  2. 2 Chronicles
  3. Leviticus (has a lot of laws.  More of a reference book for myself. Not really something I just read through.  Explains stuff that happens in the New Testament)


= 73 books