Life in the Spirit Ministry

Seminar Series & Charismatic Prayer Group
Spiritual Advisor:  Dcn. David Hockwalt

Contact: Germaine
Cell:  (760) 668-3808

The Lord commands us to receive the Holy Spirit  (Jn 20:22) and to "be zealous for the gifts of the Spirit" (1 Cor 14:1).  This means that we must go to any extremes to learn about the Spirit and His gifts, fruits, promptings, and works. We must intensely pray for all that the Spirit has to offer us and zealously use any gifts, fruit, blessings, and graces of the Spirit for the up building of His Church.


Life in the Spirit Ministry

Mondays  |  7PM-8:30PM  | St. Theresa Room (across from the Parish Office)

For more information, please contact Germaine (760) 668-3808 

These weekly prayer meetings are a unique expression of worship. Music is an important element; as we surrender our hearts to Jesus.  It is characterized by expressive joyful praise, openness to the gifts of God’s Holy Spirit; healing and an expectancy that God will speak and work through those who have received His Holy Spirit. Talks, testimonies, sharing and individual prayer are also part of this meeting. 


“Come to me, all you who are labored and burdened and I will give you rest.”  Matt-11:28

Charismatic Prayer Groups

For a deeper union with God, a greater love for self and others, a fresh appreciation of Scripture, and an enriched presence of the Holy Spirit in your life, don't miss the Life in the Spirit seminars, Special Events and Healing Services or one of the weekly Charismatic Prayer Groups.


Our Lady of Fatima Rosary, Videos, & Messages

Tuesdays  | 8:30 AM-Hospitality | 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM Rosary & Meeting |  St. Theresa Meeting Room

For more information, please contact Donna Ostrander (714) 381-9018


Please join us in Praying the Rosary, we will pray for Our Nation, the Salvation of Souls, Unity of Christians and Peace in our World.


“In the end, My Immaculate Heart Will Triumph.”  Fatima, 1917


Sacred Heart of Joy Charismatic Prayer Group

Thursdays  |  10AM - 11:30AM  |  St. Theresa Meeting Room

For more information, please contact Angelica Zamora


Each week we surrender our hearts to Jesus as we lift our voices in songs of praise and worship, sharing the word of God using the Lectio Divino, and pray for healing. Join us as we pray together for our Church, our country, our world, and for one another!